Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Lord Brings Joy/Rebellion Brings Sorrow

This chapter contains the famous Messianic words, "For unto us a child is born..." and the familiar subsequent verses. Prior to those verses, however, are some lines of great insight.

In the previous chapter it talks about those who are spiritualists and their followers - they seek after familiar spirits and wizards who peep and mutter. In the end for them there is no spiritual satisfaction - they continue to hunger. They look to the world and curse God. They receive dimness, anguish and every kind of darkness.

In this chapter we find that they who walked in darkness now have a light. The joy of one who enjoys a great harvest is theirs because the Lord has broken the yoke of their oppressors. "For unto us...a son is given and...of the increase of ...peace there is no end..." Even though it comes through the throne of David, this Prince of Peace reigns over and blesses all nations and tribes of Israel.

In verses 14-16 is some interesting insight regarding who leads the people astray. In order to accomplish His purposes, the Lord will cut off the head and the tail. The head is the "ancient" ones. In other words, the false traditions of the fathers. The tail is the prophet that teacheth lies. In other words those who give false hope and promises through false doctrine to those who are looking for those things. In my experience and observation, it is usually those who love their particular sins - usually sexual - and seek justification rather than forgiveness.

When the "head" and "tail" are removed, the Lord can work with those who humbly seek Him. Those who honestly open their hearts and whose spirits are contrite will receive his words with joy. They have found the source of their salvation.

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