Thursday, September 29, 2011

Prosperity, Sacrifice, Service, Consecration

In these chapters, the prophets and writers are aware of the prophecies that with righteous living comes prosperity and with unrighteousness comes destruction. While Mormon has the advantage of hindsight, the the early prophets emphasize that by diligent efforts the people were kept from destruction spiritually and from defeat by the Lamanites.

Were there none in their society who failed to acquire wealth, but who were righteous? Did none obtain riches through deceit or while living a life without devotion? If that were the case, there would be no place for faith in their lives. Faith would have been replaced by fear - the antithesis of agency.

Rather, I gather that the righteous who applied themselves purposefully discovered that they were blessed in ways they could not have imagined. "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof..." Psalm 24:1 "For the earth is full, and there is enough and to spare..." D&C 104:17

In so doing we are not desperate even in difficult times because we have assurance of abundance and that God freely gives in accordance to our needs when coupled with our best efforts. Recognizing this we also know that God not only requires 10% of our increase, but everything we have, everything we gain from what we have, everything we are and everything we may become.

When we come unto Christ; (Omni 1:26) when we take upon us his name, (Mosiah 1:11) we enter into a covenant relationship consecrating our whole souls. The result, inevitably, is prosperity. It may not be an abundance of fabulous wealth, but it will be an abundance. We will recognize that we have become more and gained more than we ever thought possible for us. The only way we lose such prosperity in the end is by allowing Satan to convince us of scarcity and falling into transgression.

Our stewardship, it seems to me, is to build upon the portion of God's abundance with which we have been blessed and gratefully bless others in the Lord's way.

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