Thursday, December 29, 2011

Giving and Receiving Gifts

Some time ago our bishop challenged us to read the Book of Mormon by Christmas. I was well on my way by then, so I didn't think there would be a problem. However, as the days wore on I realized that I couldn't write in my study journal and finish the book before Christmas. I did finish on time, but as I read Moroni 7, I realized that I had gone through the chapter too perfunctorily, so after Christmas, I went back to it several times in order to understand it more deeply. It is not the first time I have meditated on this chapter. It and chapter 10 are among my favorites because of the meaning of hope and perfection they offer. They contain lessons of a deeply spiritual nature for those who are seeking to truly know Christ and accept the atonement much more deeply.

This chapter is primarily a lecture on faith, hope and charity and is similar in many ways to the teachings of Paul in the New Testament (1Cor. 13). Moroni teaches that these virtues are a gift. I have wondered at this concept as it is found throughout the scriptures. It is obvious that you have to work at receiving the gift for it to be given to you, which seemed to me to be closer to wages than to a gift. I have come to appreciate that it is truly a gift, however.

In my law practice, I have many times heard the childless aunt complain about, and in some cases disinherit the niece or nephew who showed no gratitude for the gifts she had given. Almost no one wants their gift to be transferred to their loved ones at too young an age, because they are not prepared enough to appreciate the gift if they have not experienced enough of life. In the teachings of Paul we learn that "the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ, our Lord." (Romans 6:23. Emphasis added).

I believe we are given these gifts, but that we become less aware of them as we yield to the natural man tendencies. On the other hand, as we become more prepared, the gifts are more freely bestowed. "What good", asks the Lord, "is a gift if we refuse the gift, or if it is squandered on our 'lusts'?" Neither the giver nor the receiver are prospered (D&C 88:32-33; 46:9).

In Moroni 7: 6-8, Moroni offers some insight on the giving of gifts. As I read these verses, it becomes obvious that the gift he is referring to is the gift of ourselves to Christ. He observes that we are not expected to just give !0% of our increase or one day a week or even an hour each day and Monday evening. We are expected to give our whole selves, or as Elder Neil L. Maxwell observed, we must place our will on the alter. "Brethren, as you submit your wills to God, you are giving Him the only thing you can actually give Him that is really yours to give. Don’t wait too long to find the altar or to begin to place the gift of your wills upon it! " (April 2004 General Conference, Priesthood Session. Emphasis in original.)

Once again, using the current law as an example, a gift must be given with no strings attached or it is not a completed gift. If, for instance, you desire to make a gift of appreciating assets out of your estate in order to not have them counted for estate tax purposes and to have them grow in your child's estate instead, there cannot be a way for you to pull back the gift if your child subsequently disappoints you. If you have retained that authority, the asset is still considered part of your estate because it was not freely given. It will be taxed as part of your estate as if you had never bestowed the gift at all.

The same is true of the only gift we can give to God or to Christ. If we offer the gift of tithing, we are only offering a tenth of our increase. If we offer it grudgingly by seeking for loopholes, for instance, only that part that was given freely will be counted to us for righteousness. If we accept a calling, but only show up when necessary; if we never read the manual; if we never get to know the people we are to serve and find a way that our calling will benefit them, then, as I read Moroni, nothing is profited. It is as if we had retained the gift.

He equates gifts with prayer and says whether we are offering a gift or a prayer to the Lord it must be done with real intent. Why? Because all things that are good come from God and all that is evil comes from the devil. (Verse 12) To that degree that we hold back some of ourselves because we don't want to give all to God, or we fear the consequences, or we love a little badness, or we have a better idea, we are yielding that much to Satan and, while we are not keeping anything from God (He has everything), we are keeping ourselves from receiving all that God can give to us. We are only going to receive what we are prepared to receive.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm glad this is back. I have lots of thoughts on this entry, but I'll only comment on my favorite part. I like thinking about the fact that God has everything. He doesn't need my offerings. I do. Can't wait for more!
